The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 73: She Can Never Know

Taking another sip, I dove straight into uncharted territory.

"Hey, Mel, when you're free from your curse, do you think you could fight for Liam?" I poked the bear.

She turned to me, almost as if I had touched something I shouldn't have.

"No way! If anything, I'll find myself a better man than him!" she tried to shut me down before returning to her task with a slight pout.

The pain in her voice deceived her, though.

It's apparent you still care for Liam. One mistake won't change that—that's if it's one to begin with. That wolf doesn't seem like the type of man who would have sexual interactions with Kira, let alone be anywhere near her.

When they stayed in the room, Liam was nothing more than harassed by the white wolf, but Melody didn't know that.

"Why not? I think Kira's more of a viper than a wolf. I wouldn't put it past her that this is some charade," I didn't back down, triggering the black wolf to turn to me again.

I thought she would tell me to shut up and mind my business, but much to my surprise, she didn't. Instead, she sat down next to me, tilting her head, having caught her attention.


"Why do you say that?" she asked, ears slanted back.

"It's just the feeling she gives me. She isn't right in the head. Layla's kind enough to be spoken to, but Kira's a wild card. I don't think Liam would ever touch a girl like her," I answered honestly.

Melody seemed taken aback by my assessment of the situation. After all, even though Liam and I barely interacted in recent years, I had known him since that faithful day.

That brown wolf isn't stupid enough to dip into those waters.

Some of his conversations with Fenris revealed his taste for women, but he never mentioned Kira or how he responded to her approach.

"I don't know. She said the elders—" Melody tried to argue.

I scoffed at the mention of them.

They are a bunch of old prunes.

I had only met them once, leaving me wanting nothing more to do with them.

Especially Fenris's grandfather. He's the worst of them.

Ryker was better in every sense of the word, and that was too much to say.

At least the elf didn't hate me for who I was but what I had become.

"The Lycan elders are old-fashioned and will believe a high-ranking Lycan like her without proof. Well, until the baby's born. I'm sure Liam will show them after that," I blurted out, not letting her finish her sentence.

How they spoke to Fenris when I was there angered me in many ways. Back then, I had the bracelets controlling me, but remembering it echoed Alijah's sentiments about feeling like a piece of furniture.

Fenris... when you held me and told me about the moon, that was only a glimpse of what you're dealing with. Your life is... You aren't a piece of décor for them to play with!

Usually, I would sit silently before showing discontent, but it felt like I had nothing to hide from Melody. For the first time, I felt comfortable enough to speak freely.

"Lily," the back wolf mumbled.

Her tone when my name rolled off her tongue gave it up. She didn't expect my outburst, but she was relieved that I was more comfortable with her to that extent.

"I've met a few of them a couple of times. They're despicably old-fashioned and racist, too." I added, triggering her to giggle upon hearing that.

They were the main obstacle to any relationship between Fenris and me. It didn't help that they were pushing for Layla, too. However, this wolf probably knew them better than I did; they were the ones who chose who was allowed in the pack and who was banished, much like a 'runt' like herself.

"I just don't know what to believe. A lot of what I thought was wrong." She shrugged.

I sighed, shaking my head. The choice was obvious to me, but then again, I probably was like her with Fenris.

It's easier to be prepared to be hurt than to hope and be hurt.

"Well, why not give Liam a chance to explain himself? I'm sure if you listen to him, he'll surprise you. He's a gentleman, and if I may add, I also see the way he looks at you when you're near Fenris." I tried to persuade her about her current course.

The brown wolf cared for her, even though I wasn't the best judge.

"What do you mean?" Melody spluttered, eyes open wide.

"I'm sure Liam thinks you like Fenris; he always looks so annoyed when you interact with him," I blurted out, laughing, unable to contain myself when I saw her expression of pure disappointment.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her I was sure he liked her, too. Emotions were fickle little things, and I didn't want to bring her hopes up for them to come crashing out later. She would have to discover his feelings from him and no one else.

"What?! No, that isn't possible! Fenris terrifies me!" Melody squealed, grabbing me by my hands.

It left me unable to control myself, marking this one of the few times I laughed so heartily.

"You speak with Fenris better than with Liam, so of course, he would get the wrong idea!" I giggled, unable to help myself as her distress grew by the second.

"That's because Liam makes me nervous, and I can't think clearly!" she assured me, but I wasn't him.

"He doesn't know that unless you tell him." I continued, triggering Melody to take the chance to turn this against me.

My laughter quickly died with the words that left her mouth.

"Well, have you told your feelings for Fenris?" She questioned, placing her hands on her hips.

Sharp stings rose on my chest, shifting my gaze away from him.

"I have," I confessed, remembering all the times I tried to tell him how I felt, only for him to deny me from telling him until I took him by surprise.

Yet the silver wolf had yet to respond to them.

No matter how often I tell you, I don't get your response. I...

"What did he say?" she continued to query curiously.

A soft sigh left my lips before falling back onto the bed. "Fenris doesn't know what to say to me," I answered, causing her to gasp before storming around the room.

"What?! How dare he?! I'll murder him!" Melody growled, huffing around and puffing her cheeks.

Her emotions were all over the place, amusing me, but all I could do was breathe in. I had to make her understand it wasn't as simple as she thought. Even if Fenris had responded to me, it wouldn't have changed the many factors that kept us apart.

"It's okay. You know why it's complicated. I mean, I caused his parents' deaths. His sister hates me, while his brother feels nothing but guilt for leaving me to my fate. The elders hate me and want Fenris to marry a purebred Lycan." I let go.

"Lily... It isn't fair. You've loved him since you were a child. He loves you too, I'm sure. There has to be a way!" Melody frowned, knowing that there was nothing she could do to fix this for me.

Not even I could remedy it for myself.

"Life's never fair, but no matter what... I'll protect him and the world he lives in. Even if I'm not the one on his side by the end. Though, if I'm not... I might go crazy, Melody." I felt the tears sting in my eyes as she sat beside me while Shade curled into a ball next to me.

Lily, I'll always be with you. The little feline assured.

"There will be a way! I know it! But I... don't know how you do it. Being so strong when nothing's sure, I want to be more like you, Lily." Melody mumbled.

I gazed at her, unable to believe what she had said.

Me, strong? You're wrong! If anyone is strong, it's you!

"I'm not. My mind's very weak, and it feels like it might shatter. Even my body... is damaged. I don't know how Fenris can..." I trailed off, grasping onto my chest.

She stood up from the bed instantly, grabbing me by my hand and pulling me up. Snatching onto my chin, she made sure I looked straight into her eyes when she spoke.

"Not true! You're far from that!" she declared.

All I could do was stare at her, amazed by her faith in me. I thought everything she saw would change how she looked at me, but it reinforced her views. This wolf was an unshakable force that wouldn't let me fall.

"Melody..." I clasped her hands.

My heart could barely keep up with her anymore. It broke in all the right places as she placed them together, building it more robust with each piece she restored.

"How dare you call your body damaged? You're beautiful! You're a survivor who should be proud of all the scars on your body. They mean you were strong enough to survive that ordeal! That you moved forward no matter what happened!" She huffed, making sure I was still with her.

"What you have. What you are. It's a trophy that screams I survived! No one else matters!" Melody declared, triggering tears to run down her cheeks instead of mine.

Not even Fenris tried this hard to understand me.

You were too scared to push me, and I made sure to give you reasons to be afraid of. No, only Melody is the only one who can do this.

The black wolf was the only one who witnessed almost everything firsthand and heard it from me. She was the only one I allowed a way into my heart to heal it, and she wasn't going to squander that opportunity.

"I can never think of myself like that, especially when I don't deserve it," I countered, re-establishing the same walls I had always built.

Alijah... You were wrong. Some people care; many others must be like her if she exists. It isn't a waste of time to try to save this world!

"Bullshit! Lilith, you were nothing but a victim! Nothing that happened was your fault! Do you hear me?! Nothing was your fault!" she reassured me, causing me to hug her.

Instantly, my grip on the Lycan tightened as I felt some chains that held me to the cage I lived in break.

"Thank you, Melody. But I... am not as strong as you think. I wish I were." I whispered.

No... I hope I am. I have to be for you and for everyone I care about.

She hugged me back tightly. "You'll see. Everyone will see just how strong and beautiful you are one day." She echoed similar words that Liam had once said to me.

The only difference was that he had called me powerful, while Melody called me beautiful. They truly were kindred spirits that resonated with each other.

Hah... These wolves are going to be the end of me.

These Lycans broke me in all the right ways I needed. They had slowly slipped inside my heart and made me care for more than Fenris.

For their sake... I'll protect this world, too.

For a moment, we held each other, comforted by each other's presence. However, it wasn't long until Melody's phone rang with an alarm, triggering her to tug away and rush towards where she had left it.

"Oh! Oh no... I almost missed it!" she exclaimed, grabbing her phone and sitting beside me.

She browsed for something in it, leaving me bewildered by what happened. I thought we were having a special moment, but it was over quicker than it started.

"Missed it?" I echoed her words, baffled.

Her eyes were glued to the screen while she searched for something desperately.

"A sale! They're selling these beautiful moonstones for the festival. I've always wanted one, but they're really rare, and they finally have some in stock!" She declared, humming.

The item she was searching for sounded familiar to me.

"Moonstone?" I repeated after her, wondering where I had heard about it.

Lily, you read about them in the article about the witches using gems to gather magical power within them. Shade reminded me.

Ah... that's right. The one they used sex for their ritual.

"Yes, it's a gemstone! A beautiful one, if I may add. They say that it can sometimes trap the essence of the moon! Though, that's just hearsay." Melody informed me, unaware I wasn't asking her.

Upon hearing her say that, it was almost as if the last piece of the puzzle fell into place. With the tight schedule until the red moon, I hadn't thought it was possible since the gem had to be pure enough for the ritual.

If the ones you can find are pure enough... if they can harness the moon's power, then... all I need to do is something foolish. But for you, it'll be worth it.

"Melody... Can you get me one?" I asked.

She seemed too involved in the event to notice my demeanor change as a smile rose on my lips, feeling relief wash over me.

"Of course. What would you like? A ring, necklace, charm, or a bracelet! I'll go pick it up today!" Melody asked, tail wagging uncontrollably.

I had never seen her this interested in something, but it didn't surprise me. Even though they banned her from the festival, she still was a Lycan, and they loved their moon.

"A necklace," I said, sitting beside her.

I'm sorry, Melody. I can't tell you this because you'll definitely stop me if I do. So...

She could never know what was going through my mind as she brought what I requested.


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