The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 74: The Return

When Fenris finally showed up later that day, he only stepped into the room to collapse onto the bed. Not a word left his mouth before his head found the pillows. It was almost as if he hadn’t slept all the days since he was away.

All I could do was help him off his shoes before tucking him in for the night. When Melody left for the night, no word was said not to wake him. After she made sure I had enough to eat for the night, the dark circles under his eyes were so prevalent that I did nothing to bother his sleep.

Instead, I returned to research more about the moonstone to use it correctly. The incantation to activate the spell wasn’t hard, and it would last until the morning. However, the other things I needed for preparations weren’t as straightforward.

Once my eyes couldn’t stay open any longer, I found myself in front of his bed, wondering if it was okay to join him. He had collapsed there because it was the closest one to the door. Even so, I was hesitant to join him.

The festival was only one week and a half away, and he was already busier than ever. My time with him was shortening, and I wasn't fond of it. Sadly, I couldn’t imagine how it would be when he spent the nights with his future wife.

Is this jealousy or envy I’m feeling?

Unlike me, Layla didn’t have to worry about others' approval to be with Fenris. It felt like my heart was crumbling under the weight of it all. Not wasting another thought, I climbed into his bed, trying my best not to wake him.

Slowly, I hugged him from behind, allowing the warmth radiating from him to envelop me. His scent filled my senses as he wore the clothes from the prior day, but I didn’t mind. No, I craved for any sign of him for the longest time.

I had no nightmares or dreams for the first time in two days, just a deep sleep. When I opened my eyes the next morning, Fenris was already up, ready to leave again. Noticing I was awake before I could say anything to him, he approached me.

Without wasting a second, he kissed me lightly on my lips. I thought it would be short, but he pinned me down onto the bed, deepening it soon after. His tongue caressed my mouth, leaving me humming under him. His action surprised me, but quickly relief spread through me.

Fenris’s touch replaced Alijah's, who had plagued me over the past two days. Pulling away slightly, he glanced over at my hand before turning his gaze back onto my face. I knew already what would come out of his mouth, but I could only feel content instead of worrying.

"Anything you want to tell me?" Fenris questioned me, eyebrows raised.

His amber eyes melted my heart and turned every thought murky. He suspected how I might’ve gotten the injury in my hand—a question I, luckily, rehearsed in my head enough times to know what to answer.

Ah… I’m just happy.

Reaching to touch his face, I smiled, unable to contain my emotion. His eyes widened as his cheeks turned rosy.

“Ah… Lily… I missed you.” He breathed, leaning into me before locking lips with me again.

A soft whine left me as I happily returned his affection. We made out for a while, but we were unable to progress any further because of my cycle. This wolf never touched me sexually when I bled down there.

Separating for air, he licked his lips, waiting for my answer.

"I tried to help Melody cook, and the knife just slipped." I lied, short of breath.

He sighed, kissing me again before pulling away soon after and licking his lips again.

"You know you aren’t adept at cooking," he huffed, shifting his eyes toward my injured hand.

"I know... but I wanted to help her. It wasn’t fair for her to do all the work." I echoed some truth into my lie, hoping it would be enough for him to believe me.

"Oi, you never help me cook.” He growled, narrowing his eyes, which still had dark circles under them.

Instead of answering him, I simpered, gripping his shirt.

He let out a soft sigh, “Just be more careful." kissing my forehead lightly before standing up from the bed.

I knew he was leaving when I saw him pick up his bag. It pained me he was going so soon after being away for two days and a night.

"You have to go again?" I pouted, feeling neglected by him.

I was mostly jealous of whatever had been taking all his attention lately, though it slowly made me understand how Layla felt when he was with me.

You’ve spoiled me.

"Yeah, the preparations are annoying. Ryker, with his stupid barrier crystals, will be the end of me." Fenris growled, releasing another sigh.

Even though it was pulling him away from me, I saw the chance to get information.

"Barrier crystals?" I mumbled.

Perhaps a complication.

"Yeah. With all the attacks on Lycans, Ryker decided to enclose the entire festival for seven days," Fenris rolled his eyes.

Instantly, it felt like my heart dropped down a cliff with no end.

Enclose? You can’t mean… No... If... this is true, then I...

I wouldn’t be able to help Melody, and worse yet, he would be away from me for a week.

"B-but... t-that means..." My voice quivered as he avoided my gaze.

Two days and one night was already too long, marking my longest without him. Even when he trained, he always came back to me at night.

"Yeah, I won’t be here for a week, but don’t worry. Melody will be here, and if—" Fenris tried to downplay the situation, unaware of my turmoil.

No! Everything depends on me being able to reach you. What hope would a human have if the crystals could even enclose Lycans? None.

However, what bothered me the most was…

"Melody, isn’t you!" I snapped, unable to hold the pain it instigated within me.

It had been two days without him, and I couldn’t imagine seven. Not only that, but I also needed to be with him when the blood moon came.

"I know... it’ll be hard for both of us, trust me," Fenris reassured me, grabbing my hand.

I pulled away, placing them where my chest ached.

Is it the stress of it all? Or the jealousy that someone other than me is taking your time? I hate it!

"Will you be with Layla throughout the festival?" I asked point-blank, avoiding his gaze.

"What? No. Fuck, no, I won’t be with her, Lilith." He quickly replied to my bold question, causing me to turn back to him.

"Then... why can't you stay here with me?" I questioned.

He sighed, "You know, I can’t be anywhere near you during the red moon. It isn’t safe." Fenris informed sternly, placing his bag next to the door.

"But… it’s..." I trailed off, unable to think of anything coherent enough.

The crimson moon was a massive event that could change him; convincing him otherwise was practically impossible.

"Lily, I’ll be alone during the red moon if that’s bothering you." He announced.

I glanced back towards him. A glimmer of hope sparked in my chest.

"Alone?" I echoed the word.

Fenris nodded, "Yes, alone. They’re separating me from the rest of the group. My little playground, Ryker, calls it like it makes me feel better. Liam will fetch me the next morning, and hopefully, I won’t rip his head off when I see him. No one knows how I’ll react to the moon.”

A soft sigh left him, “Honestly, I'd rather be placed in a basement. They’d chain me up with the strongest metals, and they could find and leave me there until I regain my senses, but the elders refuse to do it that way."

Nothing I could say could change what would happen, and he wouldn’t allow it to happen, either.

"I see," I whispered.

Fenris gripped my chin, tugging it up towards him. "Lily... after the festival, I’ll make it up to you for days to come.”

His words caused my cheeks to burn.

"You better," I mumbled.

He chuckled, "I would make it up to you right now, but—"

The only reason he didn’t finish was because of a well-placed pillow on his face.

"Don’t! I feel all ache and icky!" I yelped, throwing another pillow at him.

He caught this one with a smile that caused my heart to skip a beat. It was almost as if I had activated the playful nature inside of him. Placing both pillows back on the bed, he climbed back onto it, pinning me down onto the bed once again.

"There’s still a bit of time before Melody gets here. We can’t fuck, but I want to kiss you, can I?" Fenris purred into my ear.

Instead of answering him, I clashed my lips with his as a flurry of emotions overcame me.

Ah… it seems I was successful in getting the information I needed. Sorry, little wolf, but I need to be on top of this, even if I am genuinely upset that you won’t be here with me.

Not knowing when I would feel his lips on mine the next time, I indulged myself with him. However, in my mind, I tried to solve all the issues he brought up.

Fenris wouldn’t be available to me as easily as I wanted him to be.

So, the blood moon night will require more planning than I first thought. Those barriers will be the real problem, especially. Luckily, I wasn’t a mere human. Nothing will stop me anymore.

Barrier crystals were made with dragon scales and some elven magic. They prevented any living thing from crossing the lines where they stood. Even Lycans, who laughed at most magic, had issues with standard barriers, but those wouldn’t be used for the festival.

No, that will be a military-grade one. Crap…

At least Ryker was taking the situation seriously, but it inconvenienced me.

How can I cross that barrier? It was already hard to sneak out of Cerberus, but now...  

Before I could investigate, a knock came from the door, interrupting us. Fenris pulled away from me, leaving me panting for air as a curse left him, tracing his fingertips to my face and lips.

Our time was up; however, before he moved from the bed, I launched myself on him, locking lips together again as he didn’t pull me away. Sticking my tongue into his mouth, he let me roam his features, including navigating his sharp fangs that hadn’t once hurt me.

Gripping into my hips, a soft whine left him as I grabbed onto his silky hair, securing myself on him. Tugging myself away from his lips, I saw how rosy his cheeks were before he pressed his forehead against mine.

“I love you, Fenris.” I cooed.

A soft smile rose on his lips, “After the festival, can I take you out of here?”

“I’ll go anywhere with you,” I leaned in closer; however, before my lips could claim his, another knock came from the door.

“I have to go.” He breathed, finally pulling away and leaving me alone on the bed.

He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself before opening the door for Melody. She quickly snickered upon seeing our condition. I didn’t think I had ever been so embarrassed before, but somehow, looking at us, she knew something had happened between Fenris and me.

Before he left the room, he informed me he had made me some tea and had left it in the thermos in the fridge.

Always... caring.

Once he was gone, Melody relentlessly tried to figure out what had happened, not allowing me to feel a moment of loneliness while she was there. After her drill, I calmed down enough to try to problem-solve once again every factor that arrived.

I knew how to gather the energy but not how I would get to the source, Fenris. My only advantage was that he would be alone, but getting to him would be near impossible. From what I gathered, those barriers were war-grade, and they could only be taken down from the inside or by the switch that activated them, which would be heavily guarded.

Ryker undoubtedly had Fenris's barrier switch on him, which was good, but it made a complex task nearly impossible—an entire day passed without any progress on how to get to Fenris on the day of the blood moon.

The next day, hours went by with no progress while Melody happily hummed in the background in the small kitchen. Feeling defeated, I laid my head on the table.

How do I…

Lily, why not use the power of the nether realm? Shade suggested, triggering me to frown upon hearing her.

Soul Cairn. I corrected her, remembering Alijah's words.

I shook my head immediately after.


Don't you need to get to Fenris to lift Melody's curse? I don’t see any other way. The night of the explosions proves it can be done. Shade argued her point, causing me to sigh.

As usual, this little feline wasn’t wrong; I couldn’t reach Fenris unless I used the power of the other realm since the barriers repelled any transportation magic that came from ordinary means. Yet the power from the soul cairn might have been enough to pass through it.

Yes, but…

Lily... try to control it. I know you have the power to do it. We can do it! She encouraged me.

No way. It’s too dangerous.

You only need to open a portal, like when you saved Fenris. If you command the beast within the cairn, it won’t be able to escape, Shade continued.

I glanced at her before gently squishing her ears in my hands.

You make it sound so easy.

When in reality, I didn’t know how that even happened. The squishiness of her ears brought some ease within me.

It terrifies me. Shade, what if…

After all, the last time I took two bracelets off, the whispers drowned me, although I had opened it with none of my bracelets off. The emotions were powerful enough, but that would require me to become unstable.

From everything you read, I see no other way. Shade assured me, pawing at the bracelet Fenris gave me as a child.

Maybe you’ll find him in that chaos with this. You two are inseparable, Lily. She nodded.

I grabbed hold of it, and even though I wanted to deny her every point, I couldn’t. There would come a time when I needed to control this power and use it to my advantage.

I didn’t think it would be now, though it's imperative that I do. Isn’t it Shade?

There was no way other than dying to cross that barrier, and I was no necromancer. I closed my eyes, trying to remember some of Tania's teachings, the only one who ever attempted to teach me how to control my emotions without the inhibitors.

It had been years since she was sent away, stopping my lessons, but I still remembered everything she taught me. Reminiscing about my times with her made me miss her dearly. Even though vampires couldn’t do magic, she offered something else in return.

Magic training wasn’t what I needed after Stella drilled me with all the basics and advanced techniques, even if the order prevented me from knowing anything else by keeping me in the kid section of the library.

Stella had trained me with more spells than my mind could carry.

You wanted to make me a weapon, and I became one. It's too bad it won’t be aimed at those you thought it would. Okay… Let’s do this.

Standing up from the chair, I lay down on the bed with Shade, who was excited to see what I would do next. It was do or die, and time wasn’t on my side.

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