The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 191 **Nether**

“Keep an eye out, all of you! Protect His Majesty at all costs!”

“Yes!” Stated the rest of the Bands close by.

Some of them were hiding around the Emperor, but at the moment several bands were out in the open, staying very close to the Emperor.

“The fires are completely out to the south, Your Majesty.”

The Emperor hummed out but continued to frown. His land, his people…It was all ruined!

…It was at this time that the first team to try and assassinate the Emperor had landed unknowingly within the lands of Green Haven. They had been separated and the person that had not been able to fly had a very rough landing. They had let go of her too early but as it was, they were running out of spiritual essence and had no choice.

Of course, it wasn’t like the one that couldn’t fly didn’t know what her goal was, the problem was…How could she do it when she needed help to stand up in the first place!?

“Where have you come from little one? I was sure that this place was empty of people…”


The person left behind and hurt could only stay there, letting another haven’s man help her! Was it because she was female that they let her hand go? Did they do it on purpose? Where they even going to look for her?

She did have a slight complex towards the fact that she was female, and she was a sensitive person, so she did wonder if they dropped her on purpose or not…

Whatever…It wasn’t the end, she thought. She’ll get better and perhaps find them again…

She was taken along, even though she didn’t fly, because she was physician, the only one in both of the teams. Already concluding that her injuries were not fatal, she was hoping for a speedy recovery but…She was still quite bad with having fallen and rolled. She had scratches and bruises and a dislocated shoulder, which seemed to bring the most trouble to her.

She might be stuck for a while…In this place, far from home…



“Where’d Fox go?”

“Who cares.”


“Who cares.”

“We would have more of a chance of completing our mission if we can find them.”

It wasn’t like their team was an army! They needed to complete their job! As it was their team was already small!

“I’m here!” A person jogged up to the other two and was panting, they must have come from a while away or…Had been running around looking for them for a time…

“See, he’s here. I’m going to meditate.”

“Did you see Nether?” Said one man to the other that just arrived.


‘Fox’ shook his head and pointed to the person already meditating, “He was the one holding her, he should know more than me.”

Both ‘Fox’ and the other Blue Haven man looked at the Red Haven man. Why did they have to contend with such…Was it because he was higher then them in cultivation!

It was tedious! They had near two weeks to start getting to know one another but it was so hard to get along when there were so many differences between them!

They would have held Nether if they hadn’t exerted so much spiritual essence on the elemental balls before they even came here, but…

How can you trust someone that you don’t even know?


Not much else happens to this small group of three for a while, as they all take turns to keep watch as another recovers their spiritual essence.

The one left behind, seemingly being called as ‘Nether’, seems to have done the best in ‘infiltrating’, considering a Green Haven physician came to see her, tending to her like she had been one of their own...She was now in a made camp and ‘Nether’ was very quickly opened up to the idea that their army, and this fight between haven’s…That it had been anticipated!

Just laying in this made camp for the wounded, ‘Nether’ could hear, could see, and could assume two things…One, Green Haven had an idea, which meant that this attack perhaps wasn’t a surprise, like the leader of the army had thought and…Two, Green Haven was…

“Over here, Your Highness. There’s glass in the calf area, see…We left it in so that she wouldn’t lose too much blood.”

There was no way that in her original Haven, that a prince would be in a place such as this!

Nonetheless…She had felt so much better after this prince tended to her that she felt almost like new! She had thought she was going to be here for a couple of weeks! He was really…A miracle healer!


“Your Highness! His Majesty is asking for you!”

‘Nether’ watched closely, as it was her job after all to kill the Emperor and was it luck to be in such a place that might lead her right to him!?

“This Prince is currently busy tending to the wounded.” Felix stated, rubbing off the sweat on his forehead. Actually, he was just about empty of spiritual essence, so there was probably not much more that he could do right now! He was not a normal physician and didn’t know the first thing about healing someone without his spiritual essence, much like his master! He just…He still needed to help the girl here…

Like on cue, a normal physician suddenly appeared next to the girl and started to take care of her.

“He insists, Your Highness!”

There really was no choice, he looked around, locking eyes with ‘Nether’ for a short moment and then nodded. “Very well, lead the way.”


Getting up from the bed, ‘Nether’ grabbed her small backpack and tried to follow after the prince.

“Young Miss, is there something you need from this direction?” A man in black attire came before her, even putting a hand on her chest.

Jumping back away from his hand, she glared at him, “You dare touch me!”

The band glared back at her, “You are not permitted to continue beyond this point!”

‘Nether’ saw the prince go out of her sight and she went back to glaring at the person in front of her, “He saved me.”

The band smiled, “Of course he did! His Highness is quite the young man!”

Wow…It looked like the Prince was well liked here…

“I wanted to thank him.” ‘Nether’ simply stated to what looked like a bodyguard, still in a bit of shock.

“No need, His Highness is too busy.”

Too busy to be thanked? No way!

‘Nether’ looked around and only then just remembered that there was a battle going on and that was probably the reason.

So, she thought, at the moment the Emperor must be in that direction…

Not leaving the immediate area, ‘Nether’ put a finger to her mouth in contemplation. Should she try to act like an ally and somehow gain a position that would grant her easy passage to the Emperor or…Should she hide and then pounce when the time is right?

…Hang on just a moment…


At the moment the Emperor seemed to be out of the palace, granted they weren’t too far away but they seemed to be a more vintage point where they were in opened land and able to see out to most areas in a circle…Most…

‘Nether’ smiled and nodded to herself.

What a perfect time to disguise as a maid…Or one of those black guards…

While the palace was probably not guarded as much at this moment, it was a perfect time to infiltrate the palace. The Emperor would hide away back in his palace very soon, no doubt, which would give her the best position to get to him!

Now that ‘Nether’ had an idea, she was determined to follow it!

Even though she probably shouldn’t be gaining attention, ‘Nether’ came up with a plan of using the prince that saved her life to get her what she needed to complete her goal!

If the Prince’s heart is in healing people, surely, she could use that kind heart of his to help her!

It wasn’t what she would do normally, as she was a genuine doctor and did care for other people, but…Well, she also couldn’t just sit and do nothing either…

If the army knew that she had done nothing, she may lose everything that she had worked hard for until now! In her position, on what she needed to do to survive, she felt like this plan was her safest bet…




“I’m coming for you!” Hector stated, rushing out to kick Christian.

Christian dodged and jumped away.

“How did you get here?”

It was a pretty decent question, as Christian wondered if the golden shield really did work…Unless this guy had been here all along…

“I’ve been waiting for this for so long!” Hector stated, rushing at Christian once again with a huge smile on his face.

Frowning, Christian again dodged and wondered what was going on, “I’m busy…”

“Not anymore!”

Hector didn’t give Christian time to run away, continuously attacking him.

“Dammit!” Christian gave up dodging and caring if this familiar person was friend or foe and hit him hard in the chest.

Hector skidded back and put a hand to his chest and looked at Christian.

Coughing for a short moment, Hector glared at him, “This can’t be! I’ve…I’ve cultivated so much! So much! Waiting for this day and with just one hit…”

It wasn’t hard to tell that his foe was still stronger than him! Still!

“This isn’t fair!” Hector yelled and stamped his feet. Afterwards he charged again, focusing on getting a hit off!

…Anger was what probably was driving Hector the most at this moment…


Christian shook his head and continued to dodge the attacks, but really his mind was wondering and finally remembered who he was! “You! You are still alive!?”

Isn’t he a hundred years old or something?

“I will live until I can beat you!” Hector stated, sounding like a child, yet he was meaning it! Every single word!

Laughing, Christian blocked an attack and raised his eyebrows, “I’m flattered, really!”

Hector stopped and said, “You are?”

Taking that chance, Christian once again punched Hector in the stomach, making him fly off.

If there was one thing that Christian learnt, it was where to hit. Some people weren’t your real enemies, like this one, and so he had to learn not to kill…

“Dammit! Dammit! I’m not leaving until I kill you!” Hector yelled.

Frowning again, Christian groaned. “I’m not dying, but…But you aren’t staying!”

He didn’t want someone else annoying the hell out of him!

“No way! I mean it! I’m not going anywhere!” Hector stated, rushing in and using his own ability, which was some kind of haste cultivation.

Again, Christian was reminded upon this guy that he had not thought about in years.

With three times more punches and kicks, Hector smiled at finally getting a hit on Christian.

“I got you!”


Glaring at Hector, Christian became serious, well serious for his fight with Hector. He cracked his knuckles and moved his neck around.

There was absolutely no way that he would let this annoying leech stay! There was no way he was going to put up with the humiliation that he was hit!

Without further ado, Christian got lost in a fight with Hector, where both forgot how they had gotten to Green Haven to begin with. Neither of them were at their homes, neither of them cared that a war was going on right now!

One had to be better than the other! With haste, Hector blocked attacks and even went to hit Christian and with raw power, Christian dodged and hit him back, clearly showing who had the most power! It wasn’t like they weren’t using cultivation, but they seem to both silently agree that if they were to use more then this it wouldn’t be as much fun…

Never would either of them admit how much fun they were having though…


From another point of view, from someone close by, Christian seemed to be out of the fight to help save Green Haven…



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