Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 87

0333_light and dark

After the ten people got together, the elder brother announced: "This time Yu He Xing, I am the captain, and Senior Uncle Qi and Senior Sister Sang are in charge. Others can give their opinions, but as long as I give an order, it must be carried out. Do you have any objections to this? "

All agreed.

Big brother: "Very good. First of all, I believe that everyone has already found out the identities of the teammates before coming here. Even if you don't know, you can get to know them gradually, so here we omit the link of getting to know each other and directly talk about this Yuhe. invite."

The pair of true lovers in the foundation building period were Dan Xiu Yuanjing and Xie Qinwei.Xie Stallion really did not live up to my expectations. When he met a girl, Miss Yuan looked at him with such tenderness that she is not married to you.

However, there are three places in the same class as me, including me. Is it true that there is no favoritism?Maybe not, after all, there is no benefit in this private favoritism.

Big brother: "Yuhe directly designated two people, Uncle Qi and Junior Brother Pei. After entering Yuhe, the two groups they belong to will become the main factors that attract Yuhe's attention, but in terms of action, these two groups are both In the dark. In this operation, light and dark are divided in this way. Our main task is to detect and seize treasures. On the bright side, there will be two groups of people doing this, and the other three groups seem to be purely sightseeing. On the surface, they will not participate. This matter."

I raised my hand hesitantly.

Eldest brother: "Say."

Me: "Yuhe, including the other invitees, will you believe that most of us are not here for the treasure?"

Senior brother: "It depends on everyone's acting skills. Logically speaking, they are likely to believe it. This involves the characteristics of Yuhe. Yuhe has produced many beautiful items throughout the ages, but treasures in the sense of cultivation, If you don’t count beauty pills and utensils, not to mention none of them are so absolute, anyway, they are very rare.”

My sister muttered: "Beauty is also a treasure..."

Everyone looks at her.

My sister: "Why? Am I wrong? When you look at a large-scale auction, has there ever been a big auction without beauty pills and utensils?"

Eldest brother: "If this is the kind of treasure this time, you can grab it yourself. We will support you behind you."

Of course, beauty items are also in high demand. Many female cultivators, including some male cultivators, would do anything for it, but obviously, in terms of the interests of the sect, apart from being used to win people over, its value is limited.

It is indeed more credible to grab this thing in an individual capacity than in the form of a Zongmen team.

0334_role positioning

Big brother: "If it is confirmed that the treasure is a beauty product, then all action plans are invalidated, and everyone is free to do so. But if a small probability event occurs, and it is not a beauty product, the three groups in the dark must show disappointment, and continue to show that they are looking for, obtaining Efforts in cosmetics."

Xie Qinwei: "So 'dark' means focusing on beauty products?"

Senior Brother: "Yes. The third group is you and Junior Sister Yuan. I, Senior Sister Sang, Junior Sister Yan, and Junior Duan, in Ming, the four of us need to show that we are looking for treasures, treasures that are not beauty products, even if After Yuhe releases the confirmation that the treasure is a beauty product, we will continue to investigate until we confirm it ourselves, or when it is time to leave Yuhe."

My sister: "If there is a need to turn from darkness to light in the middle, it is Xie Qinwei and Yuan Jing?"

Senior Brother: "Yes. The two groups of Junior Brother Pei and Uncle Qi must always show concern for beauty products. Because of their identities that they were invited by name, they will be relatively easy to get in touch with Yuhe's high-level. Sister Pei must protect your second brother, Uncle Qi Of course, it is self-protection, and remember not to lose Junior Sister Yan."

The junior uncle gave the senior brother a cold look.

The elder brother was thick-skinned, and continued: "Due to differences in cultivation, blood relationship, and age, Senior Sister Pei needs to show a strong desire to protect Junior Brother Pei. Senior Sister Pei's role is to be a bodyguard. A bodyguard who is obsessed with the younger brother's beauty. Acting skills The difficulty is too much for you, you can change it to "pretend not to admit being attracted by my brother's beauty but closely protect his bodyguard". In short, the key is protection. Yuhe's name-calling invitation is not a good thing. Junior brother Pei's cultivation It's too low."

My sister rolled her eyes, but said "yes".

I changed my sitting position and felt something was wrong.

Eldest brother: "Oh, when I said age difference, I actually mainly refer to the group of Uncle Qi and Junior Sister Yan."

Junior Uncle: "Do I want to act as a pedophile?"

Eldest brother: "If you can, it's fine."

The little uncle rubbed his fingers.

For the senior brother, the junior senior uncle can still hit him twice without worrying about easily beating someone seriously. In other words, it is really possible for the junior senior uncle to use force against the senior senior brother.

0335_ beauty usage

The elder brother continued as if he didn't notice the danger of thunderbolts: "However, our basic positioning for the two beauties is to be admired rather than whom. We hope that Yuhe will please you, not the other way around."

Me: "But why does Yuhe want to curry favor with us and hand over the initiative to us?"

Everyone looked at me this time.

Me: "...Why? I know what Eldest Brother means. Yuhe is indeed irresistible to beauties, but they are also well-informed about beauties. The looks of me and Uncle Qi may not make them stupid. "

Xie Qinwei: "I don't know how many beauties Yuhe has seen, but as far as I know, at least in the foundation building period and Qi training period among the top ten, the second son's beauty can be called outstanding. In terms of horizontal comparison , if someone can please Yuhe, then our Yunxia Sect has the greatest chance."

... I really don't want to know how you came up with this data, and you dare to comment on beauties like this in front of Miss Yuan, and you seem to screen the harem. Why do I think you will be eunuched sooner or later?

Eldest Brother: "As Junior Brother Xie said. This time, among the eleven invitations including the Loose Cultivation Alliance, only Yunxia Sect has two designated places, and the others either have one or none. On the bad side, Our trip this time is likely to become Yuhe's key target of calculations. For details, refer to the gate of death that suffered a big loss back then. If you don't know the allusion, you can go to Zangshuge to check it later or let Junior Brother Pei explain it. On the bright side , We have also attracted the most attention from Yuhe, and if we operate well, we can become the biggest winner.”

Duan Zhe: "But the operation is good...the uncertainty is a bit big..."

Senior brother: "It's a bit big. Even before entering Yuhe, we couldn't make a detailed plan due to limited information. We can only go in and then adapt to the situation. But our advantage lies in the fact that among the two beauties, Uncle Qi's spiritual cultivation Because it is basically impossible to be calculated. Of course, if Yuhe dared to invite Huashen to enter, he would definitely not be unprepared. Even if Master Qi did it, they should not be defenseless. But normally, Yuhe will not The breakthrough point is placed on Uncle Qi, but he will try his best to support him and isolate him. Therefore, Yuhe's breakthrough point is also our breakthrough point. On Junior Brother Pei."

Me: "..." I really feel that something is wrong...

Young Master Uncle: "Don't worry, Yuhe is definitely willing to put...all the people you designate to invite together, you won't be too far away from me, I will protect you."

My sister: "Second brother, don't be afraid, elder sister will protect you."

Me: "..." I really want to know what will you do if I say I want to quit now?I seem to be able to quit now?

0336_ raising a dude

I thought about this Yuhe action again, and finally found out what made me feel very wrong.

"Why do I seem to be the core person?" After the first meeting of ten people, I asked the senior brother - the core bait is also the core.

Eldest brother patted my head again, I glared at him, and he said, "You just found out?"


I tried my best to be calm: "Let me deal with it for you. The first time I knew about Yuhe's incident this time, it was my uncle who asked me to dress up as a partner for him."

The big brother's smile didn't change when he heard that.

...This bastard really knew it a long time ago.

I continued: "Then my sister asked me to be her partner, coercing and luring her, but she didn't tell me until the end that I was the designated invitee from the beginning."

Big Brother: "Oh..."

Me: "Then, it wasn't until this meeting that I realized that I was still in charge of the bait. I don't understand, since I need to be the bait, why didn't you tell me from the beginning?"

Senior Brother: "..."

Me: "If you dare to tell me it's because it's not fun, I..."

Eldest brother: "... What are you? I'm waiting, don't say half of it."

I don't have anything.bother.

"You are busy, I will go back."

Big brother: "Then, do you accept this task?"

Me: "Can I still refuse?"

Eldest brother: "Of course, you can refuse at any time before entering the secret realm, that is, to make a new plan. Anyway, the current plan is only in its infancy, and it is easy to change it. It is even too late to make plans after entering Yuhe. In Yuhe, the values ​​are distorted, but the danger is really not that great."

I thought about it and said, "I'm sorry, I'm hypocritical, again. Yu and I will go and follow all arrangements."

The eldest brother sighed, patted my head, and patted me again after touching.

Where are you picking watermelon?I push his hand away.

Senior Brother: "Actually, there's nothing wrong with being pretentious. Duplicity is quite cute. Second son, you have to believe that Yunxiazong has a very strong foundation, and Elder Pei has a lot of cards. It is definitely more than enough to protect you. So, you can do whatever you want, We can afford it."

...I want to say, if I didn't have the solid three outlooks from the previous life, if you raised me like this, I would have been raised as a dandy, okay?Although there's nothing wrong with being a dandy... Well, how about I try?

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